Ok guys you all know how obsessed I am with the M134 so I am writing a report on it. for those who have no clue what the M134 is here it is plain and simple; the Mini Gun! So since the article subject already says Vulcan M134 I will get right into it.
1890s: Electric motor introduced to the Gatling gun. (The Real One) The ancestor to the modern mini gun was made in the 1860s. Richard J. Gatling replaced the hand cranked mechanism of a rifle-caliber Gatling gun with an electric motor, a relatively new invention at the time. Even after Gatling slowed down the mechanism, the new electric-powered Gatling gun had a theoretical rate of fire of 3,000 rounds per minute, roughly three times the rate of a typical modern, single-barreled machine gun.
1960’s: Vietnam War. In the 1960s, the US military began exploring modern variants of the electric-powered, rotating barrel Gatling gun-style weapons for use in the Vietnam War. The US forces in Vietnam, which used helicopters as one of the primary means of transporting soldiers and equipment through the dense jungle, found that the thin-skinned helicopters were very vulnerable to small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks when they slowed down to land. Also the mini gun was tested for another reason; that reason is they also used the single barrel turret gun but because of the intense firing and over heating it caused jams the mini gun was tested to see how easily it jammed, which it hardly ever did.
But enough on a breif history here is the airsoft version:
Custom Creation M134 Vulcan Mini Gun. Full metal body construction, Full Fire and Functional Rotary barrels, 6 Barrel Will Turn When Shooting, Magazine Capacity: 1300 Rounds but with the back back box it will hold 3000 rounds, Length: 956mm, System: 12V Battery, shoots 250, Hop Up: fixed, and Weight: 16000.00g
This thing is a beast of all holy beasts! And heavy as an elephant, but still i would carry it around, so for the thing being so heavy and all I think the asking price is ok but really I feel the gun is too expensive! Infact the new Echo 1 mini is going to be $2000 instead of the $4000 asked price. The gun gets a full thumbs up and a wipe of the mouth, but the price gets two fat mans thumbs down!!!
Guns captured in Indo Pak war 1965.
MG 42 and MG 3 machine gun (Germany)
MG3 machine gun in "light machine gun" role, as made under license in Pakistan
MG 42 machine gun in LMG role, left side view, with bipod extended
have a nice and good guns party